Monday, April 26, 2010

Fishing...Prairie Princess Style

I’ve mentioned before how one of the things we like to do together as a family is fishing. I’ve also mentioned what my idea of fishing is….kicked back in my pink chair, with my pink pole with the pink bobber floating above the raspberry scented magenta fake worm on the end (that GI Joe put on the hook for me) waiting for a nibble, while reading a book, soaking up the rays, enjoying the non stop laughs that the kids provide while making GI Joe pull his already short hair out. For a refresher on the sitcom that are our fishing expeditions go here:
I’ve been known to exaggerate on occasion but here’s an actual photo of me "fishing" from a few weeks ago. Notice the pink Snuggie. What can I say, it was windy and I was chilly. Also, please note that my pole is sitting nicely beside my chair, not even in the water, but that was purely out of consideration of GI Joe and his already demanding work load (read: kids). I make my family proud.

And then there's this girl. Obviously, I taught her everything she knows about fishing.

I think we're ready for our very own show on the Outdoor Network.

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