*I must tell you about my new favorite hoodie. I know, I know, hoodies are GI Joe's thing BUT my fabulous friend Cheri (see post "Sold") bought this hoodie for herself awhile ago and when she told me about it, I knew I had to have one too. Take a look. Never mind that I look like I'm singing opera, I'm not, just focus on the hoodie. The color is off in the picture but it's a lovely shade of light pink and says, wait for it,.....FARM GIRL! Yay! Thanks Cheri, for as usual, exposing me to new and wonderful things. I heart my new hoodie.
*Speaking of pink, that is what we were talking about right? After not hearing from Carhartt yet regarding my innovative suggestion regarding the pink Carhartts, I called them. I spoke with a lovely lady in the Customer Support area who had not yet heard of my suggestion and promised to make a call to the Marketing department to make sure they received my brilliant suggestion and photo. She laughed about the photo, I told her I was just trying to make it as easy on the design team as possible. That was after she told me that Carhartt did make pink coveralls. Ummmm excuse me, WHAT?!? Turns out in their fall line, they did have infant overalls available in "vintage rose." But they were no longer available and were only up to size 24 months. No offense to Vintage Rose but it was ugly and if they think for one second they are going to pass that off as my pink coveralls they are sadly mistaken. I politely told her I had no need for infant girl coveralls, that my suggestion was geared for women and we wanted a brighter pink. She assured me I would hear back from them soon. I'm sure it's just taking so long because they are waiting until they can actually send me the first pair of raspberry pink coveralls that will be debuting in the spring line.
*Thursdays are not good days for the Prairie Princess. I was finally recovering from Trauma at Target from a few Thursdays ago when the unexpected happened again. I ran out at lunchtime to run to the bank and some other errands. I was sitting at the stoplight waiting to turn, chomping on my sandwich, when a van pulled up next to me, and a lady stuck her head out the passenger's window yelling something. I'm always a little leery about rolling down my window to hear what they have to say because a) I never know if they are talking to me or not and b) I never know what offense I may have just committed against them i.e. cut them off, side swiped them, head on collision, what?. But she didn't seem angry so I took a chance and rolled down my window and heard her say that my tire was flat. Ahhh no. I hate airing up tires almost as much as I hate getting gas. (Remind me to tell you about my experiments in Fuel Economy Management sometime, those were some good times.) But after she said that I did notice that my truck did seem to feel weird, so I drove to the nearest gas station, and sure enough my tire was flat, really flat. I called 1-800-GI-Joe to notify him of the situation and tell him that for once I was handling it. He asked me the same question he always asks me when I tell him I have a flat tire, "Did you look at all of your tires before you got into your car?" And I answered like I always do, "Ummm, NO, why would I do that? That would be retarded!" To which he always says, "You should always check all of your tires before you go anywhere." Has anyone else ever heard of doing such a thing? So I aired up my tire and was on my way. Until I went to go home from work and totally forgot that I had had tire issues earlier in the day AND also about GI Joe's advice. Oops. So guess what? I was driving down the interstate when a car pulled up beside me and a man stuck his head out the passenger window and mouthed some words and pointed to my tires. This time I knew exactly what he was talking about so I stopped at the next gas station and aired it up again. This time it wasn't near as flat but it was definitely in need of air, which was good because I was about to do another experiment in Fuel Economy Management and it forced me to stop. That reminds me I'd better sweet talk GI Joe into going out to fix that darn tire tonight because goodness knows I'll forget to look in the morning and drive all the way to work with it flat which apparently is bad on the rims or some nonsense like that. (Please excuse that ridiculously long run-on sentence.) On a happier note, I made it thru the bank drive thru WITHOUT hitting one of those rubber pylon things they have so that people don't hit their tube system thing. They just don't make those drive thrus big enough for the Princess Mobile so I have marks on both sides of my truck where I "kiss" those on a weekly basis.
*We have new additions to the Koons Zoo. Normally, we don't start adding on til spring but have you ever heard what they say about rabbits and their mating habits? Pretty sure they aren't kidding. Our bunnies, Skunky and Snowball, found a way to keep warm over the winter that resulted in 3 adorable baby bunnies. They were born about 3 weeks ago and were hairless and looked like mice. In fact, at first we thought mice had somehow gotten into their hutch and had babies. Shows you how much the kids and I know about this kind of stuff. Until GI Joe, being the experienced farm boy that he is, pointed out that they weren't mice they were baby bunnies. So in an instant they went from being ugly creepy things to being adorable and sweet. In just 3 weeks, they've grown hair, ears, and are hopping all over the place. It's precious. And the best part of the whole thing is that the kids didn't witness the conception taking place. And that my friends, is a very good thing, because when they saw our horses, ahem, "dancing" a few summers ago it resulted in some very explicit pencil drawings from Dakota, and many awkward conversations about weird "dancing" and our "circus horses". How to explain such things to your children was not covered in our Lamaze classes, and I may have ruined them for life in trying to explain it to them. Oh well, they'll figure it out and if not, I hope their future spouses like to....."dance". :)